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7 Quick Tips for Drying your Ear Canal before inserting your Hearing Aid

What you have to remember is water and electronic components simply don't mix. As such, you need to do the best you can to protect your hearing aid by keeping it dry. This of course is easier said than done, especially if you're a water lover and like to go swimming. Once the ear canal gets wet, it can be rather difficult to dry and this is important, not least because trapped water can cause fungal and bacterial infection.

In order to maintain healthy ears, they need to remain clean, dry and lubricated.

7 Tips for Drying your Ear Canal Safely

  • When showering, aim to do it prior to going to sleep, when you won't be wearing your hearing aids. This way, you have all night for your ears to naturally dry out.
  • After you've had a swim or a shower, make sure that you dry your outer ears with a towel to get rid of any excess moisture.
  • Tilt your ear to the ground, pull on your ear lobe to open up the ear canal and let gravity drag the water from your ear.
  • If this fails, the use of a hair dryer on a low heat can work. Hold it a few inches away from your ear, apply the hot air and wait until the moisture evaporates.
  • There are earplugs available that can be made to fit perfectly, protecting your ear canal from any moisture. This is especially useful if you do a lot of swimming.
  • It's important not to penetrate your ears using cotton buds, fingernails or pointed objects. Your ear canal is very delicate and can be easily scratched and infected.
  • Although it might surprise you, earwax does an important job. It keeps your skin supple and well oiled; it protects against infection and it naturally cleanses your inner ear without your intervention. If you think your body is producing too much wax, then you will need to seek professional medical advice.

HearingDirect offers a number of cleaning agents for your ears. Our Audiclean Cleansing Ear Wash is an example. This is a safe and natural product to use, which helps remove excess wax and dirt from the ear canal. Click on this link for more information relating to our Ear Hygiene products and how we can help.

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Author: Joan McKechnie

Joan McKechnie

After qualifying as a Speech-Language Pathologist and Audiologist Joan has spent most of her 20 year career in hearing-care related roles. She has a wealth of experience within the hearing aid and hearing rehabilitation fields and has worked in manufacturing environments with two hearing aid companies helping to develop products and roll out new technologies. Joan has been involved with Hearing Direct since its launch and enjoys the online retail environment which seeks to provide easier access to hearing products and accessories. She is HCPC registered. Read Joan's full bio here.

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